Critical Questions for Critical Care

This blog post has been a long time coming, as this topic has been top-of-mind since 2018, when critical care services were placed on the Office of Inspector General (OIG) work plan. Since that time, I have had an opportunity to review hundreds of critical care charts...

Tips & Expertise: CPT Coding for Sinus Surgery

Q:  Please explain again, when to report unlisted code for turbinate procedures?A:  There are three turbinates: inferior, superior and middle.  There are parenthetical instructions in CPT following codes 30130, 30140, 30801, 30802 and 30930 that state these codes are...

Sniffing Out Sinus CPT Coding

​Did you know there are two separate nasal cavities, eight sinuses, and six turbinates to consider when coding sinus surgery?! This can make for quite a coding challenge! Most sinus surgeries performed are called Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), which are...

Tips & Expertise: ICD-10-PCS for GI Procedures

Q:  Can you explain when the approach for laparoscopically-assisted procedure through an orifice would be used? A:  This approach was added to the GI system in fiscal year 2018 to report a laparoscopically-assisted anal-pull through procedure.  This procedure is...